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Trusting Ourselves

Are you gratefully dead ?
Beauty hidden 
Scars overridden 

Trauma load
Cascades in folds
Through your flesh 
Giving you no rest 

Fear the feelings will never leave ?
Never allow you reprieve
Locked into your cells 
Deep deep down in your well 

In the mysteries of the deep 
There are angels and demons to greet
Have tea with them all 
Allow them to stand in your hall 

Ask them for what they wish ?
Why are they filling your inner dish ?
With so much pain ?
Twisting through your body and brain 

Listen in 
For what you hear will allow you to win 
Listen to them all 
Hear their calls 

When we listen 
Our stars will glisten 
Shower us with their dust 
Allowing us to trust 

Written 24.07.2023
A stripped floor

Stripped of Pleasure

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