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Poem about Looking for the Fun in Life, even when Darkness Reigns

Run Towards the Fun 

What you believe you achieve 
Look to the falling leaves 
What do you need to let go ?
So that new seed you can sow 

Which ideas should be left in another time ?
Which ideas need to vacate your mind ?
What needs to go 
So the new ideas you can sow 

What you believe you achieve 
Look to the falling leaves 
What do you need to let go 
So that new seed you can sow 

Listen to the wind 
Lean in to what makes you grin 
Remeber the times you smiled 
Even if you have to think back a while 

The shining sun is always there 
Even behind the clouds of despair 
Follow your fun 
Run towards it, run 

Written by Zoe LL 

The shining sun is always there 
Even behind the clouds of despair 
Follow your fun 
Run towards it, run 

Written by Zoe LL 

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