The Dream Killer The heart locked in the chiller Frozen emotions Fear of causing a commotion What are your needs ? Buried in the family tree The training to please and serve The constant shaking nerves Not allowed to say No Not allowing your dream to grow The fear of wrath Throws you right off your path What if you could relax in their shade ? In the idea that you were tailor made To create your dream Is this idea still unseen ? What if the battle is there To push you to climb a higher stair A pathway to god Not laying there crippled and roughshod Small steps Don’t need to be complex A tiny movement forward Embrace the feeling of being awkward Learning to be the fool Is a deeply hidden rule That catapults you in life That jettisons away strife Perfection can be a gift But it needs to be integrated with your deepest wish What are you really fighting for ? Embrace the wild inner boar He who is strong He who does nothing wrong He looks for edible treasure At his own leisure His strength Don’t hold it at arm's length Allow him to enter your mind Let go of memories where others were unkind His stealth Is full of wealth His kingdom Is full of wisdom Allow yourself to be As peacefully shy as the boar can be But as strong as his defence When you need to build a fence Written by Zoe Langman 10.08.2023
- Lifestyle Transitions
- Articles on Lifestyle Transitions
- How Co-working Changed my Life
- The Nomadic Lifestyle Experiment
- How to survive your first month as a Digital Nomad
- How I lived all over the world by redesigning my life
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- Lifestyle Redesign – Interviews
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- Articles on Lifestyle Transitions
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- Poems
- Poems: The Acceptance of Love
- When Shame Hits the Veins
- The Broken Heart
- Drama Queen
- Trusting Ourselves
- Unlocking the Barbie Armour
- Poem about Accepting Ourselves and our Family Tree
- A poem inspires us to ask for help when we feel like we are drowning
- A Poem About The Pessimism On Which We May Ride While Processing Grief
- The Witches
- The Selfish Chronicles – Part 1
- Poems: Pleasure
- Poems: Belonging
- Poems: Anger and Rage
- Poems: Creativity
- Poems: Time
- Poem About the Beauty of Defining Strong Boundaries
- A Poem About Life Hacking & How it Doesn’t Always Bring You Happiness
- A Poem About The Emotional Distress and Looming Deadlines
- Poem Showcasing how we Waste Time Debating
- A Poem About The Confusion of Losing Time
- Poem About The Fictitious Dramas and Distractions We “Enjoy” At Work
- Poems: Feeling Lost
- Poems: Rupture
- Poems: The Acceptance of Love
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