When failure finds you Do you lose yourself in a new view ? Or do you drown yourself in the deep blue Unable to find yourself anew Are you so deep in the sea Is it so dark, you can’t even see your knees Is there no air No one to care Is the water so cold ? Do you shiver, in an attempt to feel bold ? Are you floating deeper and deeper down ? So deep there is no sound It’s a dark dark place You float down so fast, like you are competing in a race The need to hit the bottom To begin letting go of what is rotten Finally you hit the seafloor Soft and sandy, just like tales told in folk law You stretch your arms out wide Over your body an octopus glides He gentle nibbles your hand So you understand He’s cleaning you up Eating the poison from your cup You rest in peace You let go, with a sighing release More fish appear That devour the pain, you hold so dear The shark arrives He offers you to glide Through the waters so deep So you can stream tears and weap The ocean will save you if you call Allow the sea creatures to enthral Dive with them into the deep You never know who you may meet Allow yourself to be an ocean bride And on the waves you will glide Allow yourself to breathe And the ocean will allow you to fully grieve Written by Zoe Langman July 2023
- Lifestyle Transitions
- Articles on Lifestyle Transitions
- How Co-working Changed my Life
- The Nomadic Lifestyle Experiment
- How to survive your first month as a Digital Nomad
- How I lived all over the world by redesigning my life
- How to Create the Life of Your Dreams. Get off Social Media !
- Why Workaholism (The Hustle) is the Most Deviant Addiction there is
- Want to get the life of your dreams ? Quit Drinking Alcohol !
- The mind-blowing magic of not drinking
- Lifestyle Redesign – Interviews
- How Lizzy Created Her Professional Voice-Over Career From Scratch
- Lifestyle ReDesign: Tech Startup to create safer walking for women
- Lifestyle ReDesign: Consultant to creating employee happiness
- Lifestyle ReDesign: From Event Director @ NASDAQ in NY, to Coworking Manager in London
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- Lifestyle ReDesign: From Student to UX Designer
- Lifestyle Redesign: From Swedish Lawyer to Global Start Up Lawyer
- Lifestyle ReDesign: From Techie to Brand Consultant in Wellness
- Articles on Lifestyle Transitions
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- Poems: The Acceptance of Love
- When Shame Hits the Veins
- The Broken Heart
- Drama Queen
- Trusting Ourselves
- Unlocking the Barbie Armour
- Poem about Accepting Ourselves and our Family Tree
- A poem inspires us to ask for help when we feel like we are drowning
- A Poem About The Pessimism On Which We May Ride While Processing Grief
- The Witches
- The Selfish Chronicles – Part 1
- Poems: Pleasure
- Poems: Belonging
- Poems: Anger and Rage
- Poems: Creativity
- Poems: Time
- Poem About the Beauty of Defining Strong Boundaries
- A Poem About Life Hacking & How it Doesn’t Always Bring You Happiness
- A Poem About The Emotional Distress and Looming Deadlines
- Poem Showcasing how we Waste Time Debating
- A Poem About The Confusion of Losing Time
- Poem About The Fictitious Dramas and Distractions We “Enjoy” At Work
- Poems: Feeling Lost
- Poems: Rupture
- Poems: The Acceptance of Love
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