Dreams of light The angels shiver in delight Far from here Fish swim in the golden mere There is a bridge not far from here I walk across it with a beloved coat I'm holding dear There is a gap in the bridge That ice water below is as cold as a fridge I see him standing there Whispers of silver in his hair He waits for me to pass the open hole His strength of faith hands me a goal He knows I won't come tumbling down I won't fall in the river and drown My walk is at a steady pace Which enables me to dive into the space of grace For those that see the unseen This is not just a dream This is an actual race To help me to understand how to find grace
- Lifestyle Transitions
- Articles on Lifestyle Transitions
- How Co-working Changed my Life
- The Nomadic Lifestyle Experiment
- How to survive your first month as a Digital Nomad
- How I lived all over the world by redesigning my life
- How to Create the Life of Your Dreams. Get off Social Media !
- Why Workaholism (The Hustle) is the Most Deviant Addiction there is
- Want to get the life of your dreams ? Quit Drinking Alcohol !
- The mind-blowing magic of not drinking
- Lifestyle Redesign – Interviews
- How Lizzy Created Her Professional Voice-Over Career From Scratch
- Lifestyle ReDesign: Tech Startup to create safer walking for women
- Lifestyle ReDesign: Consultant to creating employee happiness
- Lifestyle ReDesign: From Event Director @ NASDAQ in NY, to Coworking Manager in London
- Lifestyle Redesign: From HR Professional in Law to Yoga Teacher
- Lifestyle ReDesign: From Photographer to Global Brand Manager
- Lifestyle ReDesign: From Student to UX Designer
- Lifestyle Redesign: From Swedish Lawyer to Global Start Up Lawyer
- Lifestyle ReDesign: From Techie to Brand Consultant in Wellness
- Articles on Lifestyle Transitions
- Essays on Creativity
- Poems
- Poems: The Acceptance of Love
- When Shame Hits the Veins
- The Broken Heart
- Drama Queen
- Trusting Ourselves
- Unlocking the Barbie Armour
- Poem about Accepting Ourselves and our Family Tree
- A poem inspires us to ask for help when we feel like we are drowning
- A Poem About The Pessimism On Which We May Ride While Processing Grief
- The Witches
- The Selfish Chronicles – Part 1
- Poems: Pleasure
- Poems: Belonging
- Poems: Anger and Rage
- Poems: Creativity
- Poems: Time
- Poem About the Beauty of Defining Strong Boundaries
- A Poem About Life Hacking & How it Doesn’t Always Bring You Happiness
- A Poem About The Emotional Distress and Looming Deadlines
- Poem Showcasing how we Waste Time Debating
- A Poem About The Confusion of Losing Time
- Poem About The Fictitious Dramas and Distractions We “Enjoy” At Work
- Poems: Feeling Lost
- Poems: Rupture
- Poems: The Acceptance of Love
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