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The Boar and the Dream Killer

The Dream Killer 
The heart locked in the chiller 
Frozen emotions 
Fear of causing a commotion 

What are your needs ?
Buried in the family tree 
The training to please and serve 
The constant shaking nerves 

Not allowed to say No 
Not allowing your dream to grow 
The fear of wrath 
Throws you right off your path 

What if you could relax in their shade ?
In the idea that you were tailor made 
To create your dream 
Is this idea still unseen ?

What if the battle is there 
To push you to climb a higher stair 
A pathway to god 
Not laying there crippled and roughshod 

Small steps 
Don’t need to be complex 
A tiny movement forward 
Embrace the feeling of being awkward 

Learning to be the fool 
Is a deeply hidden rule 
That catapults you in life 
That jettisons away strife 

Perfection can be a gift 
But it needs to be integrated with your deepest wish 
What are you really fighting for ? 
Embrace the wild inner boar 

He who is strong 
He who does nothing wrong 
He looks for edible treasure 
At his own leisure 

His strength 
Don’t hold it at arm's length 
Allow him to enter your mind 
Let go of memories where others were unkind 

His stealth 
Is full of wealth 
His kingdom 
Is full of wisdom 

Allow yourself to be 
As peacefully shy as the boar can be 
But as strong as his defence 
When you need to build a fence 

Written by Zoe Langman 10.08.2023

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