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Poem about the feeling we are being pushed to work harder and harder

Wild Child

The demons of the wild 
They push my inner child 
“More, more, more”
“It says it, in the folk law”

I believe 
I give myself no reprieve 
I listen to what they say 
To my dismay 

Over and over 
I work for the four leave clover 
Never believing she would just appear 
I’m too busy to see her 

Time and time again 
I work like a battery hen 
Not allowing peace 
Or this overwhelm to release 

I’m on overload 
Alone in my abode 
Too much to do
This is really true 

I imagine all that can go wrong 
When I don’t pay the super fast gong 
I push myself too far 
Forever leaving the door ajar

I never learned to shut down 
Relax my crown 
But now is the time 
I call to the divine 

I know I’m not malicious 
Or vicious 
It’s just a pattern that needs to break 
A fresh healthy life I must now make 

Written by Zoe Langman 15th March 2023 

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